Sunday 8 July 2012

Galaxy S3 I9300 Battery Saving Tips and tricks

Galaxy S3 is an amazing feature rich Smartphone with a big screen for a better multimedia experience. Galaxy S3 has a powerful 2100mAH battery but sometimes it doesn't proves enough to last for full day. But there are tips and tricks to increase your Galaxy S3 Battery backup time. Read on for Details.
We have covered few things in the video but here is the full list what you can do to increase battery backup on Galaxy S3. I got almost 2 days backup with single charge -

- Enable Power Saving Feature ( Goto Settings >> Power Saving >> check all options and enable it)
- Display Brightness (Set it at a low level or Auto) - Goto Settings >> Display >> Brightness --> Set it at Auto
- Set Screen out time to 15 seconds - Goto Settings >> Display >> Screen out time
- Enable Auto Adjust Screen Tone Goto Settings >> Display
- Switch off Smart Alert if it is not required
- Switch off unused connectivity options like WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth
- Switch to 2G mode which only sync is in progress..
- Switch off NFC, Android beam and S beam when not in use
- Minimize use of Widgets which connects for Data Sync
- Don't configure unnecessary Sync option
- Set lower vibration level

Apart from these try to complete your battery cycle to get better battery life. Always charge your battery to full from 20% or lower.

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  1. its not possible to get full 2 days with chatting for like 4-5 hours even when following your tips. don't you touch your phone.... sorry if i sound rude bro

    1. phone battery depends on way of using.. it really doesnt matter if you chat for long.. u can simply minimize the brightness and switch off tones and haptic... there are ways around..

      if you are using for long then switch to WiFi, however for sync 2G is more than enough

  2. please improve your presentation skills.

    1. Thanks for comment ... will defiantly try to do so.. please give a clear feedback on which are you want improvement :)

  3. U must add pictures and videos that how the work is done.... :-)
