Thursday 12 July 2012

How to share your files folders to Android phone via WiFi Router for free

Setup your personal cloud network for Free

You have some fun filled stuff like movies, songs, documents on your Personal computer or laptop and you want to see them on your Android phone. Well an inefficient way of doing it is copying files one by one and then accessing it on Android phone. Well now you can save both time and phone memory by doing some simple networking stuff. Read on for details on how you can make your own file sharing network at home which is accessible on your Android phone.
 ** This is a simple guide to setup sharing folders and accessing them on your Android phone over WiFi **
** No rooting is required for this procedure **


  • A simple wireless router
  • Shared folders on Desktop or Laptop
  • ES File Explorer Android App (Free App) (You can use any other similar App Also)
  • Both your Android phone and computer should have been connected to same Router (PC can be connected through wire to the router)
 We will divide this guide in to two parts

1. Setting up shared folder
Go to the windows file explorer and click on the properties of the folder and then to sharing TAB and enable sharing.
2. Accessing shared folders on Android phone –

  • Run ES File explorer App
  • Click on left touch bottom and then “show Tabs”
  • Now on the top of App you can see four Tabs i.e. Local, LAN, FTP, Net
  • Click on LAN
  • Click on Search icon
  • Now you can see IP addresses of the computers and devices connected to your router
  • Click on the IP Address of your Computer
  • Now it will show all your Hard drives and shared folders
  • If you have enables password for any folder then you can enter the password by going to properties of the folder in ES explorer


  1. hi can this be networked with a macbook? thanx in advance

    1. yes if you have shared those folders... sorry i dont have mac to try it out... but i think it should work

  2. it shows my pcs name and when i go to connect it is askes for username and password HELP!
