Saturday 18 August 2012

Google starts delta update for play store! Save data while updating

Google is well known for their ability to simplify things. Change your world for the better. The countless apps in their play store is an example of it ,so is its design & interface. The only thing that restricts me from downloading hundreds of apps is my data plan. I am constantly worried that I will cross my free data limit in the middle of the month. The problem is not just downloading new apps but even more with updating the existing ones. I am sure you have noticed by now that every time you update an app it will download the entire app again & this is ok for small size apps but in case your updating high definition games and larger apps then you will cringe every time you see that your app has an update. As promised about delta updates @ Google I/O, finally Google has realized this problem and have announced delta update for android play store.
Delta updates means that from now on, the entire app will not be downloaded just for a tiny update instead only the actual changes made to your app will be downloaded thus saving time and bandwidth. This is a relief and a much anticipated news for app freaks like me because the only thing that horrifies me more than using an older version of an app is to run out of my precious 3g plan with a week still to go for the end of the month.  You no longer have to think twice about updating your apps or have to wait till you reach a WiFi hotspot.

Happy updating !!

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