Thursday 30 August 2012

Samsung vs Apple Jury`s verdict - What it means to you?

The Epic trial between the smart phone titans Apple & Samsung finally comes to an end & what an end indeed. The most eagerly watched & followed trial of the decade finally draws curtains with the jury siding with Apple on its patent war against Samsung. The jury’s verdict? Pay Apple $1.05 Billion for infringing patent rights! Apple camp is rejoicing while Samsung fans are flabbergasted. But who are the real losers. Is it just people at Samsung or their customers or is it all of us, the downright pillars of the smart phone industry.

Well in every argument Apple lawyers have pointed out as to how similar Samsung`s designs are to the iPhone. It seems like Apple owns the rights to every phone which have slightly rounded edges, a touch screen and a single hard button on the front panel( apparently shape of the hard button does not count ) . Also no other phones can have pinch and zoom nor can they have good looking square icons and the list goes on. Yes it is pretty obvious when you look at the Samsung galaxy series where Samsung got their primary inspiration from and they probably should have designed a few things differently and they do deserve be penalized for a few infringements. They should have  just let Apple hang on to couple of trivial details but I still find it silly, It’s like saying that Parker can sue Reynolds cause their pens have the same shape.

In any case I bet that no one till now has ever walked into a store and bought a Samsung phone mistaking it for the iPhone. It’s just impossible. Everyone remembers the day Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. It was different yet amazing. It stood for perfection. When the rest of the world was flipping, sliding or poking their touch screens with pens (stylus) in frustration Apple came out with a simple flawless beautiful phone which worked like magic at the swish of your finger tip. Their operating system was marvelous. Restricted but marvelous nevertheless. Apple fever spread like a plague with everyone wanting one. All this before Android gave the rest of the cell phone manufacturers a wonderful OS to play with. This makes me wonder, since Samsung runs on android and many of Apples allegations are software based why have they targeted only Samsung and not other manufacturers running Android and better yet Google itself? Samsung is by far their biggest competitor. By far the only company that has been able to beat the iPhone sales in a very long time. It’s not like Apple has never taken someone else’s idea. Remember where we first saw drop down notification bar before it appeared on the IOS5?

The ultimate losers in this battle are the people. Instead of having a phone of our choice which can pretty much do everything any other phone can, we have to make sacrifices. The big screen or to the ability to sync everything with your computer and tablet at one shot. Or choose the one which is visually more appealing and lose out on the one with a mind-blowing hardware spec?

I think it’s high time these companies stopped taking every small disagreement to court. Instead leave it to us. Share your phone features with each other and try to make your products the best there can be. Let the reason for buying a new Samsung or an iPhone not be because I was using one earlier and it’s real pain to shift, rather let it be cause its awesome. And in the end there will be a clear winner. We the people will decide which we would want to buy. Seems fair doesn’t it.

1 comment :

  1. well, written in my opinion,
    sorry i'm at work, so i'm gonna be anonymous
