Saturday 4 August 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 Running in Safe Mode : S3 Tips

Tips and tricks Safe Mode in Samsung Android  Phones

Have you seen your mobile running in Safe mode? You all might be aware of Safe mode in windows which allows you to boot the system with minimum required sources so that you can repair or restore the things which are not working properly and causing problem to operating. Well we have a similar thing on all Android Phones.Lets discuss the Safe mode use and how to put your phone in Safe mode today. Read on for details.

What is the use of Safe Mode?
Safe mode in Android is a special boot mode in which device boots up with default set of apps comes with the phone. You will not see any downloaded apps in menu if you are in safe mode. But you can access Application manager to uninstall any unwanted app you have downloaded and causing problem.

How to goto the Safe mode in Samsung Galaxy S3 
(all other Samsung Android phones should work in the same fashion)
Switch off your phone completely
switch it on using power button
once you see Samsung Logo on screen start hitting the left capacitive touch button i.e. Menu button.

You will see your device will boot in Safe mode and Safe mode will be watermarked on the left bottom of the screen. None of your downloaded application will be available in application menu.

How to get out of Safe mode in Galaxy S3
Simple reboot the device.

Video guide on Safe mode in Android phones demoed on Galaxy S3


  1. Replies
    1. I can't get the safe mode off my phone. I try rebooting, and taking the battery out. I cant get the waffle screen, or the contact screen or make any out going calls.

  2. This isnt working on my Galaxy S3. I have done the tips shown and the phone is still on safe mode.

    1. rebooting the phone should work ... if still doesnt work take backup of your data and then boot in to recovery to do full wipe

    2. Thanks it was my play store.

    3. how do you reboot your phone

  3. How do I know which App is causing problems?

    1. good question... when the problem occurs you can check which one was the last one you installed causing the issue. or most of the time you can make it out from the situation

  4. i tried it.. but it not work, and i tried to factory recavery.. but my ss3 still running in safemode.. what happent with my ss3..?? please help me.. i'm so worry...

    1. Safe mode goes away when you reboot your phone... if it is not going better to get it checked with samsung for some key short.

      Safe mode gets activated with left touch button while booting

    2. I actually could not get Safe mode off by simply rebooting the phone, I tried a couple different times, both reboot and complete powerdown with no success. I took it one step further by powering down and then taking the battery out for 30 seconds. This appears to have cleared Safe mode.

  5. Agree on the battery removal. Mine went to safe mode after an adroid/verizon update. 4X powering off did not end the Safe Mode. Remove battery - WALLAH! (To remove battery - See small depression on top of phone - insert finger nail - gentle pry the back cover off.)

    1. Wow Actually got into safe mode after flashing an incompatible mod on Liquid Smooth ROM 4.2.2. Tried restoring back up, reflashing rom, even ODIN back to stock...all to find out I only had to power off and pull battery for 30 seconds LOL..thanks!!

  6. Ok, your going to love this. This morning, March 17th, I had an automatic update on my Samsung S3 phone that I didn't have a choice on. After it updated, it came back on in Safe Mode. I did all the suggestions on the internet. 1. Turn off phone, than remove battery for 30 seconds, put back battery back in, and turn back on.Didn't work. 2. Try powering off the phone then hold the menu button and turn it back on. I held the menu button until I was sure it was fully on. Then go to setting" Application manager" and uninstall any new update. Didn't work. So I was going to take it in tomorrow. Then I went to shut it down again and saw the choice "Accessibility" I selected it then scolled down to the "Vision Section" and saw that the "Negative colors" Reverses the colors of screen was checked. My update this morning must of have checked it. So I unchecked it, the color is back to normal and it is out of Safe Mode! Go Figure!

  7. my samsung s3 phone was a month old when it fell into a puddle. After removing the battery and drying it out the phone turns on and screen works but it runs in safe mode. The microphone, camera, speaker, and headphone jack don't work,what do i do

  8. hi plsssss help this is day 2 nd my phone is stll on safe mode, i have tried everything i read on the net but still on safe mode. all my apps are gone all my contacts, songs, pictures, massages everything!!!!pls help! this happened after a software update to 4.1.1

    1. delete everything one by one by date starting with the most recent. restarting after each until the root cause is gone.

  9. I bought an S3 today and 4 hours in the run it did the same thing. I've tried everything, restart, power-off, remove last applications, remove the battery for even more than 5 mins and nothing worked. However, I noticed the volume button was not quite working as it should, it was quite stuck. Once I've "forced" it out with my fingernail the phone restarted normally.
    I will take it to service and see what they can do to it bot that's another story.

    1. thanks very much , this happened to me and my volume was jammed too .... once I unjammed it worked fine :)

    2. Had the very exact problem and had followed the very steps you had without sorting it out. Until I realised that I had a stuck volume button. After unhooking it from the stuck position, I restarted the 4ne and everything was back to normal. Thanks for sharing.

  10. my gs3 jus started beeping out of no where. it will only stop if i black my screen out by pressing the right side button. or if my screens locked or if i silence my phone. other than that it still beeps. what the hell is wrong with it?? if im on a phone call, if me or the other person isnt saying anything itll been in the background. super annoying. plz help.

  11. Tried all the above suggestions, safemode still on. Any more suggestion please?

  12. delete everything one by one by date starting with the most recent. restarting after each until the root cause is gone.

  13. Hi , I have a my samsung galaxy note hang after start, which I notice on top left screen appeared 'EXCLUSIVE UPDATE' then my screen freeze and blackout.this wont happen in safe mode, but I cannot find the 3rd party Apk program that did the UPDATE on normal session. Pls help me to find thr culprit APK.THANK YOU.

  14. Everytime I open instagram my phone reboots itself. It also reboots when I try to unistall instagram. Do you hhave any tips or soultion to get instagram off my phone


    i tried now for hours every possible suggestion made without success! but thanks to Allan Rutherford (he made my day) it was my volume button that stuck . happy child now ;-)

  16. I tried this like what the video shown and its effective it works on my SIII thanks guys I am worry free

  17. Hey pls am stuck with "unfortunately contacts has stopped" and some times alla my apps will stop tanks

  18. Your instructions worked like a charm..Thank you !

  19. ok this safe mode is the most stupid thing to have on a phone,ive tried everything even a complete reboot so that there is nothing left on my phone and it still has SAFE MODE in bottom left hand corner!

  20. Hello my s3 mini was in safe mode but last night it went off my phone died shortly after I cant play games or go on the app store please help tried everything? ...

    1. This worked for me: Restart. Immediately after S3 has completely shut down, depress the center bottom button. Continue to depress this button until reboot is totally completed.
