Sunday 3 June 2012

How to use S Voice Application on Samsung Galaxy S3 (Video Demo)

S Voice is an exciting feature provided with latest Galaxy Flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300. Basically its an answer to Apple iPhone Siri Voice assistant which was launched with iPhone 4s. We have used S voice on our new Samsung Galaxy S3 and made a video for you to assist in using S voice for various commands like updating Facebook, Twitter and other information. Read on for details.

In the video we have started simply with S voice Unlock feature by which you can unlock your screen using Wake up command.

To Setup Wake up command follow this path

Settings >> Security >> Lock Screen options >> Enable Wake up in Samsung unlock and click on set wake up command >> Click Wake up S Voice and configure it using onscreen instructions.

Now lets have a look on Video to do few things like

How to Update Facebook Status using S voice
How to Update Twitter Status using S voice
How to Take picture using S voice
How to (set Alarm, Bluetooth, WiFi, Navigate, Driving Mode, Open Application, Search web) using S voice

YouTube Video

 If you want to install S Voice on any Device running on Android 4.0 then visit this post

1 comment :

  1. S-Voice is a disaster. Before anything else, it should be able to do a simple thing that every other phone with bluetooth enabled can do: allow you to make a phone call hands-free even when the phone is locked with a PIN. And it can't. And you can't uninstall it to use a 3rd party app instead. Big mistake Samsung.
