Monday 5 November 2012

Set Automatic/Trigger Tasks on Android phone using AutomateIt

If you have an android device which you can train to automate tasks, you should be probably out looking for the apps which are helpful in setting up the rules for your phone. There are few apps like Locale or Tasker available in market with unlimited options to set up thousands of commands with a lot of complications. But if you are not a super duper computer genius who likes to have a simpler but a powerful tool for making your Android device independent and smarter then, AutomateIt is THE app for you. Read on for details on how to use it for automating you Tasks on Android.

With a simple user friendly interface it reduces the pain of configuring thousands of complicated script-based commands. And it comes free on Android. This also has a pro version which you can buy. The premium version has won 3rd place at in the Most Innovative App category for 2011 ---source

The premium version has in addition to old ones, composite triggers, composite actions, screen lock options, sensors, active time period for rules.

There are a lot of functions which you can run with this app like:
Switching on the music when you connect a USB cable, Disabling Wifi when battery is low, Sending text Messages when you are reaching a particular spot…for ex...sending message to your son for picking you up. In case, if you are wondering… yes it gives you a great facility on locations and a lot of other things.

So how it works? Let me give you an example:

This is the first screen which comes up after you have installed the App.On this screen you can see all the tabs are self explanatory like add rules, restore rules, download rules from the market. Whatever rules you have either created or downloaded it will show on the screen on the right side.

After you have at least one rule a backup rule option will also appear. You can always see the rules by tapping on My Rules. Setting helps you to manage the application.

AutomateIt has two main steps to set a rule. When you tap on “add rule” the following window will open. This window gives you three tabs- triggers, actions and rules.

Triggers are the conditions that help in triggering up a particular action. For example when battery is low wifi should be disabled…Low battery is a trigger.

After you have selected trigger, you need to select what you want to get done once the trigger happens, that means an Action. There are a lot of options here also. You can see a few in the screenshot below.

Once you have selected the desirable action, it will go the next tab- Rules. Here you can give name to your rule and as well as period of delay you want in execution of action.

And finally just save everything.

However, automateit is missing an ability of switching on the gps automatically.

Also for killing applications it needs to access root. Also currently it is available only for android market right now. Let’s hope that developers will think about iOS also.

You can download Automateit from the below link:

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