Thursday 11 April 2013

How to PreBook order Samsung Galaxy S4 in USA

Samsung Galaxy S4 is going to be released in US market by end of April 2013. Unlike in Europe, most of the US service providers are retailers have not yet started pre booking of Galaxy S4. Here we have tried to grab all the official information from the sources to help you choose the way you want to own your Galaxy S4.

What are the options to buy Galaxy S4 in USA?

First and the main link is from Samsung USA website, where you can keep yourself updated for market availability of Samsung Galaxy S4

Service Providers

AT&T is starting Pre Booking of Galaxy S4 from 16th April onwards. However no price and delivery information yet.




Best Buy
Online or in Store retailer BestBuy is planning for a big launch for S4. You can register for information on the link below

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